Dear Mac-Haydn Family,
We wanted to reach out to let you know that our thoughts and best wishes are with you during this unprecedented time. We hope you are doing well and we wish we could do more right now to ease the emotional burden of life’s daily challenges, just as we strive to do each and every summer.
We are especially conscious of all our essential workers. This encompasses a wide range of fields from manufacturers to law enforcement, sanitation workers to retailers, safety service providers to our incredibly courageous medical professionals. We are eternally grateful for their hard work and sacrifice in protecting us, caring for us, feeding us, keeping our lights on and guiding us through this crisis. Without them we would be lost.
As events continue to unfold it becomes increasingly clear that the Mac-Haydn 2020 season will need to be altered in some way. Once those changes become clear, we will reach out to you. However, we believe that when this time of social distancing ends, and when it is safe for people to gather in large groups once again, it is our work that will become essential—providing the vital thread that will bring our community back together. It is because of that conviction that the Mac-Haydn team continues to examine what our 2020 season can be. This will depend on both what is financially possible, and what is safe.
We are immensely grateful to have a remarkable team of artists, technicians, administrators and volunteers, all of whom will answer the call when the time comes to get back to creating the vital experience of live theatre.
For now we must support the essential workers of today by staying at home and remaining safe. When their work is done, ours will begin.
On behalf of the Mac-Haydn Board and team, stay safe and be kind to one another.