Mac-Haydn Alums Take Us Down Memory Lane
As we work to determine what our 2020 Season will look like at the Mac-Haydn, we wanted to take a trip down memory lane with some of our favorite artists by asking them to perform, from the safety of their self isolation, songs which they have brought to our stage in the past. We hope you will enjoy a little trip down memory lane with us during this uncertain time.
Monday, April 6th
Elizabeth Ward land – “As If We Never Said Goodbye” from Sunset Boulevard.
Who could forget Elizabeth Ward Land’s tour de force as the iconic Norma Desmond in 2019’s Sunset Boulevard? It was a triumphant show in many respects but nothing compared to her remarkable performance.
Just in case you did forget it, she has recreated one of the most famous moments from the show as only Liz could.
See Other Materials From The Production
Saturday, April 4th
Emily Kron – “By The Sea” from Sweeney Todd.
In 2017 we presented an inspired production of Stephen Sondheim’s masterpiece Sweeney Todd.
Emily Kron was spellbinding and hilarious in the pivotal role of the grotesque and vicious Mrs. Lovett. Her portrayal gave us such empathy for this corrupted soul that we could not help but love her.
Here she gives us a glimpse of the amazing detail that she incorporated into that performance.
In this difficult time, sometimes you just need to have a good laugh. Here it is.
Friday, April 3rd
Kelly Gabrielle Murphy and David Maglione – “Wonderful Thought” from Wendy’s Shadow.
2018 saw the world premiere of this magical musical by our music supervisor David Maglione. A story of fear, hope and discovery, it moved audiences of all ages and set a new standard in our Children’s Theatre productions. Kelly was delightful in the title role and those who saw this performance will never forget it.
We see in this amazing performance from their family’s home just how joyous the act of making music together is.
Think wonderful thoughts everyone. And please stay safe.
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Wednesday, April 1st
Rachel Rhodes-Devey – “It Only Takes A Moment” from Hello Dolly.
In 2017 Rachel created the perfect Irene Molloy in our remarkable production of Hello Dolly.
Words cannot describe her beautiful artistry in this performance from her living room, reminding us how many people we wish we could hug today.
Stay safe and strong everyone. These magical moments of human connection will return.
Tuesday, March 31st
George Dvorsky – “NYC” from Annie.
George gave a Berkshire Award winning performance as Daddy Warbucks in our 2018 production of Annie.
As New York City goes through this unprecedented time, George Reminds us of why we love this incredible place. Let’s hope we can enjoy all its wonders, and eccentricities again in the coming months.
Stay safe New York. We love you and all the amazing people who call you home.
During this time of isolation, it becomes very clear to us all just how important the sentiments of this song are.
See Other Materials From The Production
Monday, March 30th
Lauren Palmeri – “People” from Funny Girl.
Lauren performed Fanny Bryce with us in 2018 as part of our 50th Anniversary season to rave reviews from audiences and critics alike. J. Peter Bergman of The Berkshire Edge said of Lauren. “She embraces the uniqueness of the Fanny Brice persona… she is as good as it gets!”. We think you get a marvelous impression of that in this heartfelt rendition of the song, performed from her bedroom.
During this time of isolation, it becomes very clear to us all just how important the sentiments of this song are.
See Other Materials From The Production